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The health industry is of paramount importance as it continues to grow despite the countless hurdles it has overcome. From insurance companies, practitioners to pharmaceuticals & more, the industry drives full force ahead with no plans of slowing down. Unfortunately, the health industry is presently affected by a curious consumer who now explores alternate solutions versus the prior traditional medicinal methods. 


The Health industry is no longer connecting with the people they serve & are repeatedly encountering challenges in their pursuit of reestablishing trust amongst their communities.


The health of any being, as well as its prosperous future, heavily depends on an oath of responsibility & commitment. This includes actively searching for new & alternate pathways to successfully overcome any imminent challenges. 


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Glass Ceiling

Industry Leaders

Why 2019 Will Be The Year of Healthcare Content Marketing

Healthcare and wellness are incredibly personal topics that generate a lot of search traffic and high engagement. At least 8 out of 10 people turn to search engines as their first source for health information, according to Pew, but often they are not able to locate current and accurate information. Of course, WebMD dominates search results; it’s the top health media company in the U.S., even while Vox has raised questions about its accuracy and inherent biases in its business model. At the same time, voice searches for healthcare topics are expected to rapidly increase in 2019. 

Woman on her Tablet


Top health industry issues of 2019

The US health industry has often lagged other industries when it comes to modernizing. Once thought to operate outside the greater US economy, the industry—with its byzantine payment system, complicated regulatory barriers and reliance on face-to-face interactions—is being disrupted. Finally, there’s robust evidence that what PwC calls the New Health Economy is kicking into gear.

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Practice Management

Medical Billing, Patient Access Top Revenue Cycle Risks of 2019

“Lack of preparation for new risks can cost a healthcare organization money and its reputation at a time when it can least afford to lose either,” the report stated. “In a value-based reimbursement environment, every dollar is at risk. If an organization loses that dollar to a compliance problem, it can’t make it up simply by adding a dollar of revenue elsewhere.” “Early identification is the best strategy to mitigate those risks,” the healthcare consulting firm stressed.

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